Mastodon C



  • Are solar-powered data centres for real?

    Fran Bennett Jun 12, 2012

    HP have done a pretty cool proof of concept for a ‘net zero’ data centre which shifts workloads to match the availability of power from solar panels – which means that most of the power ends up being green, rather than coming from a less-green national grid. A fun idea – but it’s probably a bit too […]

  • A totally green-powered data centre in london?

    Fran Bennett May 28, 2012

    Looks like Infinity DC are building a biomass-powered data centre near London. This is great news: they’ll be the first one to do green-powered data centres in the UK. A couple of others are using offsetting but we’ve not heard yet of anyone else directly powering off a green source, which is much preferable. Any current […]

  • Countries’ power grids differ wildly in their footprints

    Fran Bennett May 23, 2012

    I showed in my post last week that the biggest determinant of good vs bad carbon footprint for a data centre is what power source it runs off. If you want to pick a good data centre, therefore, you want to pick one that’s on a good power grid (most data centres run off their local public […]

  • 80% of bad footprint is down to power source and climate

    Fran Bennett May 11, 2012

    I’ve heard some very confident but completely conflicting claims lately about what is ‘the important thing’ in the carbon footprint of compute jobs. The dissonance was starting to get to me, so I’ve done some back-of-envelope calculations of different scenarios to figure out what the order of importance of the factors actually is. I soft-pedalled […]

  • An open standard for cloud footprints?

    Fran Bennett May 4, 2012

    Well, this has been an exciting week. We had All The Meetups last week (thanks Carlos and Stewart for an excellent set of Big Data Weekevents). This week was going to be quieter, but turned into the week of All The Meetings; everyone we spoke to had someone else even more eminent that we needed to be introduced to. Turns out […]

  • Transcript of saving the world with Hadoop – talk at London Hadoop user group

    Fran Bennett Apr 26, 2012

    This post is the transcription of a talk given in April 2012 by Francine Bennett of Mastodon C ( View the Live Carbon Ratings of the data centres here. [the legal bit] Our data and analysis are based on assumptions and represent opinions not facts. We aim to update our models as better data becomes available. […]

  • Week 1 wrap-up

    Fran Bennett Apr 20, 2012

    What a week! This startup thing is a lot of fun, but also much more work than having a regular job. So this week we’ve spent a lot of time building the beta live carbon ratings engine, which should go live by the start of Big Data Week on Monday. Bruce is coding like a […]

  • And we’re off!

    Fran Bennett Apr 16, 2012

    Today is the first day of full time work on Mastodon C for the whole team (all two of us). Our first big goal is to get a fine-looking demo and the free cloud ratings service up. It’s Big Data Week next week where we’ll be doing plenty of talks about green cloud computing, and hopefully getting […]

  • Hunting for Hadoop users

    Fran Bennett Mar 3, 2012

    We need test pilots! We have a free low-carbon cloud recommendation service ready in private beta, and need existing Hadoop users to try it out. Even if you only use AWS, we can still find you the best AWS location for your job – there are huge differences in emissions even just between US East […]

  • Vote for us – we’re on a mission

    Fran Bennett Feb 21, 2012

    So it’s almost a month since we made the beta version of Mastodon C which won the AMEE London Green Hackathon 2012, and seems like the excitement just keeps building. We are incredibly excited about the potential of our project  – we really could make cloud computing significantly greener with this. We entered the Digital London […]

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