Bruce toiled for years writing bash and java for investment banking data systems. Now he likes clojure, data engineering, good visualisations, open source, and helping local government make the world a better place.
He loves using GNU emacs and riding around London and Scotland on his Brompton
Seb studied as a biologist. He now applies skills he developed analysing genes to data science.
He enjoys baking bread, playing guitar and retro video gaming.
Despoina studied engineering and enjoys using her technical background to help clients solve demanding challenges based on scientific insights.
She loves travelling, playing the violin and watching horror movies
Andrew trained in maths and stats, combined these with coding, and has applied himself to medical image analysis, clinical biostatistics, drug development and now public sector data science.
Away from the keyboard he enjoys mountaineering, cycling and running.
Elisabeth enjoys commercialising brilliant tech ideas through agile processes.
She loves Babybels and likes coffee and cycling in London.
Chris has worked in education and children’s services for nearly 30 years. He is motivated by making the lives of children and young people better, and supporting organisations to use their data and intelligence to know how well they are doing.
He loves being out on the sea when at home in Brighton or exploring the South Downs on his bike or with his dog.
Chris helps public and private sector organisations to get the most out of their data to help them work better, with a particular focus on education and children's services.
Chris loves exploring the outdoors with his family, and playing the sax.
Chris is a environmentally focused product manager and UX consultant, with prior background in devops, and both front and backend development.
He loves cycling around Berlin and London (yes, really), and sharpies.
Henry specialises in building data-intensive systems and is the author of Clojure for Data Science.
He likes road cycling and juggling fire, though hasn't yet combined these interests.
Chris has worked in business and technology strategy for almost 20 years. Ages ago he wrote AI planning systems in Prolog and mainly remembers small programmes that ran forever and returned "No".
He enjoys skiing and sunshine, ideally at the same time.
Mark is a Digital Consultant, he helps organisations to solve business problems and develop new business opportunities. Mark also advises a number of startups on growth strategy.
He is a partaker of many sports and a definite master of none; triathlete, ice climber and mountaineer.